Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Moving on to Plan B

Well, we are out. All of our embryos arrested at some point after Day 3. It seems like they really didn't grow much at all past the cell counts from our Day 3 report. I have to say that gives me a nagging suspicion that there might be some sperm issues, but when I asked the doctor about that last time, he said it was in 90% probability an egg issue rather than a sperm one. Still. It makes it hard for me to give up on my own eggs, but that is precisely what I must do. I owe it to my husband to move on, as we planned to do. And I do agree that we have wasted enough time already. So donor egg it is.

I checked out the SART stats on my local clinic versus CCRM versus also Cornell. Interestingly, my local clinic (IRMS at St. Barnabas) has stats that are actually better than Cornell's, though not as many cycles performed. Cornell's success rate (live birth) for fresh transfer with donor eggs is 52.1%, IRMS's rate is 60.8%, and CCRM's is....78.8%. Ding, ding, ding...we have a winner. J. and I pretty much agree that we shouldn't mess around with that. It is worth the extra money. And we aren't buying a house anytime soon anyway, so why not go out with a bang.

My nurse already called me today to follow up, and we have a WTF appointment set up with Schoolie after we get back from Mexico. She will also have the donor egg nurse call me soon, so hopefully I can start making arrangements with her before talking to the doctor. We'd like to start shopping! I think we will most likely go ahead and use CCRM's donor pool.

So I got the call while I was at a colleague's house working on a course we are teaching together in the fall. She knows what is going on with us and was very sweet. And then I had to call J. I was so worried that he would lose it, but he did not. He was very calm and rational, saying that he felt ok about it and pointing out that we have a great Plan B. I am so happy that we have gotten past the problems we were having and that we are moving forward. I think this trip to Mexico is going to be just what we needed. We leave on Friday. I'll try to check in before then, but if you don't hear from me, you'll know why.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that the embies petered out, but I'm glad you and DH are on the same page regarding moving forward. Can't wait to follow along on the next leg of your journey!

  2. Well, I'm so so sorry that the embryos didn't continue to grow. But I'm very impressed with your calmness and readiness to move forward. I know it's hard--I never thought I'd give up a genetic connection at age 33-34--but having a plan definitely helps. So does having a vacation!!
    Did I read on IVFC you used to live in my current city??

  3. Hi lastchance - Yes, I did used to live where you are now. I think I mentioned that once in a PM to you. In fact, I just hung up the phone with a good friend down there. It is a very lovely place to be!

    And thanks for the encouragement. I guess in a way I was already prepared for this news, thus the calmness. But I am mourning my loss as well.

  4. Oh Cass- shit that sucks. I am so sorry and angry for you. I really hope that your Mexico vacation with J helps you grieve the loss and prepare for your plan B.

    One thing I would recommend is having J do the sperm fragmentation test. A's sperm had always come back great, but we never did that test and before I moved to DE I needed to make sure it was the eggs. The test is pretty easy and the results are quick.

    Good luck on your new journey. I am here if you need anything. The 'shopping' part is pretty exciting.

  5. Hi, Cassie.

    I am sorry that your embryos arrested and am shocked at how well you're taking it. Shocked since I know how hard I took it when Dr. Sch called me to tell me that in my last cycle none of my embies came back as normal. I admire your calmness and resolve and am glad that you got the closure that you needed.

    Have a wonderful time in Mexico! We just came back from Playa del Carmen... it was sooo hot!

    Okitoki (ivfc)

  6. Cassie- I am so sorry to hear that your embryos arrested. Sounds like you have a great attitude moving onto plan B. Thinking of you!

  7. Damn, Cassie, I'm sorry they didn't grow. It just sucks.

    Plan B sounds like a solid one, and Mexico sounds pretty sweet too. Enjoy yourselves, and know you are moving closer to become parents!

  8. Hey Cassie...new here from R's blog. Looks like we'll be shoppin' together. Have a great time in MX!!

  9. Hi Cassie,
    Well I agree with all the other commenters. I'm sorry this cycle didn't go well, there is always that hope. BUT- you are just like me in that I always had plans A, B and C at arm's length. I'm glad you chose CCRM because Cornell's DE wait is very very long (they put you on their wait list only when you come in for the first appointment.) And of course CCRM is great, and they are much faster (I remember from when I also started with them but then I stopped for some other reason.)

    It's hard to let go, but then you start getting excited about this upcoming and potentially great opportunity! Looking fwd to reading more!

