Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A womb of one's own

Ok, not to be crass or anything, but I thought that title was just too clever to pass up. (Although there's probably a blog out there with that name...)
Anyway, that is what Baby A is going to have. Baby B has not grown much at all since last week, and its heartbeat is almost non-existent. That was sad for us to see, but also somewhat bittersweet. I think this will be the best thing for all of us, Baby A included, in the long run. I was starting to freak out thinking about how hard it would be to take care of two babies. And even more so, I was worried about the complications and possibly losing both babies.
I hope no one thinks I'm callous, but I do think this was for the best Although I will always remember the little flicker that was Baby B's heartbeat. It was with us for 7 weeks and now is selflessly making room for Baby A to flourish.


  1. Cassie, I don't think that you are callous at all. In a non-A.R.T. scenario, you may have never even known there was a second baby. You just would have delivered one healthy baby. Like you said, this leaves more room for baby A to grow and be healthy. You would have joyfully welcomed both babies, but one is also wonderful.
    And, I love the title of your post and am glad you didn't hold back even though you thought it sounded obvious.

  2. You are not callous. I am sorry for this bittersweet moment, but so relieved that Baby A continues to progress on track.

  3. You are SOO not callous. I know for a fact I would have identical feelings. But nonetheless it is never pleasant to know that Baby B is fading away...selfless act indeed to make room for it's sister or brother.

  4. You have such a great attitude, I am impressed. Thinking of you,


  5. Really glad to hear you positive attitude through this time! You are a true inspiration to other couples and women going through this challenging journey. All the best :)

  6. You are NOT callous. I am so happy to hear that Baby A is doing well. Big hugs to you.

  7. {{{Cassie}}}, you are not callous at all. I'm pretty sure I'd feel exactly the same. I'm so happy that Baby A is doing very well. He/she will have a very special little angel looking out for him/her.


  8. So sorry to hear about Baby B. May God continue to watch over Baby A throughout this journey ahead.

  9. This is not callous, Cassie. This is nature, doing what it needs to do. I think you are right to feel that this will be for the best. And I have to say, I am happy to hear how well Baby A is doing -a very good sign!

  10. Sounds as though nature and bodies and mysterious things we can't begin to understand are conspiring for everyone's best interests; I knock on wood that this is and remains true. No, not callous. Viewing your situation with balanced, positive eyes. Sending hugs, because I get that there's some bitter with that sweet.

  11. Definitely not callous!!! I'm so glad to hear that Baby A is looking great, and I am happy that you are processing this latest news okay. Hugs to you!!!

  12. I'm sorry for your loss but agree with your assessment.

  13. Your thoughts are right where I've been when I think through the what if scenarios of DE. I see it as Baby B giving you and Baby A a gift. Baby A can thrive and while there's still plenty to think and worry about, you can have some comfort knowing that Baby B won't have to struggle and make it harder for you and Baby A.

  14. I am with Augusta - if it wasn't for the wonder of step by step baby making you would be clueless, but still, given that you did know, you feelings are just fine. In fact - you are pretty unbelievable in terms of getting your head around it all.

  15. Just caught up on your blog. I'm so frustrated that I can't add your feed to my reader, I never know when you update, so have to check once in awhile. I am so sorry about Baby B, that is sad but I completely understand the bittersweet part. I think I would feel exactly as you do. Hugs
