Thursday, August 12, 2010

A little disappointed

Just got the call from the lab about our frozen blasts. We have three. I was hoping for more. I don't mean to be greedy, but with all those Day 3s, I'm just surprised. Yesterday at transfer she told me there were still 13 others, and it just seems so weird that more didn't make it to blast. She said that a number of them made it to the early blast stage, but then just stopped. So we have a Day 5 4BB, a Day 6 4BB and a Day 6 4BA. Hmmmmm. It makes me start suspecting J's sperm again, but they did ICSI and IMSI, plus his sperm fragmentation test was ok. Oh well. I'm glad we got some good quality ones in me yesterday and we'll just take it from there.


  1. Yes, similar things happened to me and I was just stunned. Some people can get pregnant with twos and I had trouble with fours. Anyway, if those three work out you won't have to worry anymore. Thinking of you and wishing you the best. By the way, I am a former teacher and just posted a funny but true story on R's comment page as I thought she could use a little laughter.


  2. Huh, that does seem like a big drop off. But you transferred 2 beauties yesterday, and 3 more tries ain't bad either. And don't get too discouraged by the BB - those were my good ones! I think this just might work for you yet!! Fingers crossed!

    Are you resting? Keep flat!

  3. I'm sorry it wasn't more, but all you can do now is think of those beauties that are burrowing in right.this.very.second!!

    Hang tough, in just a few days I predict you'll be seeing double :)

  4. Hey Cassie,

    I sympathize with your disappointment. I would be too but you did all that you could. You've transfered two beauties and I am so hopeful that they will stick. Hugs Cassie...and don't move an inch?!!

  5. I know it was not what you were hoping for, but remember you have two great blasts nestling in right now. I am with LC on her prediction :)
