Sunday, August 22, 2010

The progression

I just thought I would post this photo I took the other day of all three of my HPTs, including the one on beta day.

The last line corresponds to my beta of 288 on nine days past Day 5 transfer. I spent a lot of time looking for images of HPT progressions over several days and found them so hopeful when I found some good ones. It was also helpful to see when people would post their beta values that corresponded to the images. Although I know there is so much variation in tests that it is impossible to tell.

So anyway, we are just waiting in disbelief right now. Our second beta is tomorrow (it technically should have been today but the lab is not open and I don't want to go hunting for some remote lab or use a hospital lab, so the nurse said tomorrow is fine) and they should see the beta has more than doubled, I guess. That will be another hurdle to get over, in a long line of hurdles. Neither J nor I have uttered the P word yet.


  1. That's great Cassie!! I am ever so hopeful tomorrow will result in doubling beta. My bet is it will be 673!! That's my prediction.

  2. it seems that as soon as you cross one hurdle, there is another one not too far in the distance. in life, but even more so in pregnancy. i read on someone's blog once (i wish i remembered who!) and she said "every day that i am pregnant is a good day" and i tried to remember that throughout mine, even when i was hurling, it was a good day. so i hope that you and J take some time out soon to celebrate the here and now and that little pumpkin seed!
    excited to see what tomorrow brings, but so happy for you in this moment :)

  3. That's a great pic. I'm thinking you'll be around 700 too. I'll be blog obsessed tomorrow.

  4. Wow! Look at that gorgeous dark second line on the third test--how great! Best of everything tomorrow!

  5. Love the photo! I feel very hopeful for tomorrow's beta. And when you two are ready, you can find a rooftop and scream the p word at the top of your lungs. But only when you're ready.

  6. Those are some beautiful lines, can't wait for tomorrow's beta!
