Saturday, October 29, 2011

Rolling right along

Every day is an adventure with the J-dog, who seems to be growing before our very eyes. In the past week, he has finally perfected the art of rolling from his tummy to his back. For a while there he would roll over to his tummy in the middle of the night, and get stuck. He was apparently not happy to be there, and would cry until we went to roll him back over. On our pediatrician's recommendation, we stopped going to turn him over, which resulted in a bit of crying at first, but then he not only learned to roll back over, but he also realized that he likes sleeping on his tummy too. So peace has returned to the household. Now we put him down on his tummy on his blanket during the day to practice and he promptly rolls right over. He also enjoys his tummy-time a lot more than he did in the past. He is starting to scoot around a bit on his blanket when he is on his tummy, and we think he is starting to work on the motions for crawling.

He loves to be upright, but still can't sit up on his own. We got a great new bouncer activity seat that lets him be upright and in charge of turning himself all around, where he can reach all kinds of fun toys. He seems to be becoming much more independent in his playing, amusing himself for quite a while on his own. But then he realizes he's by himself and cries out, reaching up in the air to be picked up when I arrive, which melts my heart!

Although we do not actually have a Halloween costume for him, we have several cute outfits which will be worn throughout the day. And our block association has a big party on our street for Halloween, closing off the street to traffic. Everyone goes down to their stoops to give out candy, and kids come from all over to trick or treat on our street. We saw a bit of it last year, and are looking forward to going downstairs on Monday evening to see all the kids parade by. The J-dog will be dressed up in a skeleton outfit and will help us give out candy for as long as he can stay awake. Next year will probably be a little more exciting for him, and we will definitely get a costume then.

Happy Halloween to everyone!


  1. Awe sooo cute! I think LN10 is starting to cry out in the night because he's practicing sitting up in bed (he does this constantly while seated in his recliner chair). Glad to hear he likes tummy time more...LN10...not so much. But getting better.

  2. It's tough to let them cry but sometimes it works out just fine. We go back and forth (and our inconsistency probably makes things worse!) because we're always worried about our son waking our daughter. I'm glad he is figuring out the rolling over thing!

  3. Next year will be so much fun for Halloween. This year Ant actually walked up to a few houses and asked for candy. It was too cute and I am looking forward to next year already.
