Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Trying not to lose my sh*t

So, for the sake of anonymity, I am going to try not to share too many personal details about myself (we'll see how long that lasts!) but I will tell you that I am a college professor. I teach a foreign language, which is really fun and cool, and I usually love my job. My students are ok - I don't teach at an Ivy league school or anything, but they are usually pretty good. But I have got a group right now in one class that is just driving me batty. This is the second semester in a row that most of them have been with me, and they love me. But the problem is, they have lost all interest in learning. And they don't seem to have any grasp on what it means to be a college student. They don't take any responsibility for their own learning. Recently, a few of them have just been sitting there in class with their eyes glazed over, staring straight ahead. And I'm not a boring teacher. But they have just checked out. Before today's class I told them that we were just going to review, and that I wouldn't be teaching anything in particular, but would answer any questions about anything we have done all semester or would explain anything they asked me to, because we have our final exam during next class. So the prime offender, who just got back a test today on which she received a whopping 37%, sits there writing a note to her friend. And then says, "Is this all we are going to do today, because if I woulda' known, I wouldn't have come to class." WTF. Like I need to deal with this sh*it this week, of all weeks. I almost wanted to cry. They think they have these difficult lives with all their studying that they have to fit in with their partying and rushing for fraternities and sororities (something I have always abhorred, by the way - apologies to any of you reading who did that). They think the whole world revolves around them and their little lives, with absolutely no concept of what other people in the world have to go through. OK, rant over. For now. I'm just so glad that I only have one more class with this class, and then their final presentations. I guess this is another good reason for keeping this blog anonymous - so I can rant about my students and not get fired.


  1. I'm a high school teacher and I have the exact same issues with my students. Some times, I just want to yell, STFU, your lives are not that important. But I think about getting fired, and then I just take a breath. I too LOVE teaching, but sometimes, those students can be real sh*ts.

  2. I'm sorry for the tough students who totally don't get that they are in a relatively stress free time of their life. I guess it's like the IF journey...wherever you are in your journey you feel like it's the worst, because it is for you. Silly college students--they should totally realize how relatively stress-free their lives are and take advantage of the opportunities to learn, but they just can't get it. Not at age 20.

    Oh to be 20 and in college again! I would love it!

  3. Ok, glad I am not the only one whose students do that! I have one kid in my currect class who I always see getting sleepy with his eyes closing. I need to bring him a Coke or something.


  4. My brother teaches at the university level, too. You sound just like him! I just read your three posts -- welcome to the blogosphere. I'm also a CCRMer and blogging anonymously. Susie is a name I chose because my mother occasionally called me Susie as a child. I've been blogging for over a year but only seriously for about 4 months. It is a HUGE help. I've started a CCRM blogroll and will add you to it, if that's okay. I'll be following your story. Let it all out! This is a safe place to rant and vent and such a supportive community.

  5. Lastchance - These students aren't even 20. They are all freshmen, so most have barely turned 19. So, in a sense they are no more mature than R.'s highschoolers.

    And Gingersmom - When I was first teaching as a graduate student, I had a student who kept falling asleep in my afternoon class. I always went for a coffee for myself before class, so one day I brought one for him. He never dozed off again after that!
