Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nudge, nudge...

Actually it was just one single, tiny, almost imperceptible nudge. I felt it yesterday morning from inside my belly on the left side, while I was standing on the subway platform waiting for a train. No, there were no trains entering the station and rumbling the platform. No, it wasn't gas. No, it wasn't my Thanksgiving dinner working its way through my system. These are all theories that J came up with, since he didn't quite believe it could be anything else. But I am almost entirely convinced that it was Mr. Bean (whom we have now taken to calling "Shim", for "she" or "him"...)saying a little hello. That was the first thing I've felt, but I am at 18 weeks now, which is right about the time they say you can first feel something. I was expecting a flutter, which is how it is most often described, but this was not a flutter. Is it too early for a tiny little nudge?


  1. I dont know about any nudges, but I am just so happy for you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nope, it's not too early for a nudge! You felt the little bean move! Congrats..

  4. that is exactly how i described it.
    loved that feeling...magical

  5. That will blow my socks off when that will happen to me!! So happy for you!! Sorry about my new blog design...I'll do my best to find another one...

  6. Oh, Cassie... I got tears in my eyes reading this post... yay for nudges from Shim! : )

  7. Yea!!! By the way, I sent you a private message about a week ago.


  8. Nope, not too early. Right on time, really. The feeling, then the doubt (was that really what I thought it was??) yup, that was it. YAY!!!

  9. Amazing! I'm so glad little Shim is making his or her presence known. Pretty soon, it will go from nudge to poke, and from poke to kick. Won't that be so interesting! I look forward to reading more.
    Be well, Cassie.

  10. How exciting! I think I felt a tiny flutter around week 16 and within a few weeks it was unmistakable. It was the best thing about being pg and it will just continue to be more amazing as you go, all the way to your entire belly morphing. I miss that part! Enjoy every minute of it!
