Thursday, December 9, 2010

Getting sick

I'm in the beginning stages of a cold. I can feel it coming on - achy head, sniffly nose, sore throat. I hope it doesn't get too bad. I managed to stay healthy all semester, avoiding all the germs my students pass around. And I had my flu shot, so hopefully that's not what this is. I'm doing some research to see what cold remedies I can safely take, but would welcome any suggestions. This is kind of bad timing, in that we have a houseguest coming tomorrow and will be running around the city all weekend. But also decent timing in that I am off of work today and tomorrow. It is exam period and I don't have to go to campus until next week, and even then only have Monday and Tuesday - it's almost over!

Tomorrow is our 20 week anatomy scan, so I'll try to check back in then!


  1. Ugh, so sorry you have a cold coming on. I'm just getting over one that I picked up over Thanksgiving, and I was happy it occurred before our FET so I could dope myself up with meds. : ) Hopefully someone can give you some good remedies. Can't wait to hear about tomorrow's appt!

  2. Hope its nothing serious and goes away!! But here's what is safe to take (reading from a little booklet I swiped from my OB's office)...for Coughs - dextromethorphan syrup (Benylin DM)...Sore throat (tylenol - I always take that when I have a sore awesome), throat lozenges can be used (but nothing with sugar substitutes in them), nasal congestion (nasal saline spray like the Netti Pot and if that doesn't work you can use Otrivin or Dristan for a maximum of 3 days)...fever (tylenol). If you develop any "green" mucus secretions and it lasts for more than 3 days you're supposed to go to the doctor. Take care...

  3. Hang in there, it sounds like you'll be able to rest soon. How awesome that your semester is almost over. A friend of mine had H1N1 last year while she was pregnant. It was not fun for her, but she and baby survived it unscathed. Still though, I hope this is just a cold and that it goes away soon.
