Thursday, August 11, 2011

Another anniversary

One year ago today, little Mr. Bean and I were united for the first time, and we've been inseparable ever since! Happy Transfer Day little guy.

In other big news, I got AF last night! I can't say I've missed it over the last year, but it is also kind of nice to have things back to "normal".

And on a related topic, I'm starting to think about birth control again. My OB gave me a prescription for the mini-pill, assuring me that it is safe, but I'm not sure that she is on top of the risks associated with hormones in a woman who has done multiple IVF stim cycles. I wonder if any of you out there have come across any studies or evidence that I should stay away from the hormones? I guess the mini-pill has no estrogen, just progesterone.

It does seem pretty absurd to me to have to even think about birth control; I mean what are the chances? And J. is planning to get a vasectomy, but I'm not sure how soon that will be. We do still need to discuss it, but if we were to try for another baby we would most likely just try with our frozen embryos and if that didn't work, we would be done. Or, I suppose we could even do another DE cycle with his sperm, which can still be extracted from him surgically. Or, I think we still have a back-up sample from him on ice at CCRM. So we have plenty of possibilities. And while there is also this tiny little fantasy inside me of having a miracle baby, I would be too afraid of having some abnormalities. Finally, when it comes right down to it, I have to admit that most likely Mr. Bean will be our one and only. Who could really ask for anything more?


  1. Have you thought about the Mirena IUD? It has progestin in it, but it also reduces your period to next to nothing. No pill to take, and it's easily removed. I personally liked the copper IUD but ended up with a little too much bleeding and had to have that one removed.

  2. I agree with anon--MUCH easier than the minipill.

    Happy transferversary!

  3. I just got my cycle back a few months ago and I was considering some sort of BC but part of me would just rather risk a miracle then take more hormones. Granted mine little one is a year older but still the idea of a #2 at this point scares me. Best of luck with your decision!

    BTW: I am glad I found your blog. I love making new DE Mama or Mama to be friends.

  4. Cassie...I know what you mean about birth control. Its on my mind as well with an upcoming tubal ligation on the horizon (I think that's what they are called). My doc put the order in but my situation/diagnosis is different and for me I need to prevent due to a very high risk for abnormalities. But it sucks...I know. Anyway, happy ET anniversary!
