Saturday, August 6, 2011

Happy Conception Day Mr. Bean!

One year ago today, our little bundle of joy was created in a lab in Colorado. And today he is a laughing, kicking, squirming baby boy. It is so strange to think how far we have come, how far he has come, from a few splitting cells to the bigger than life baby he is now. What a difference a year makes.

We just got back from our trip this morning. I decided to stay away almost a week longer than originally planned, so I could spend more time with my family and also get a ride back to NYC with my parents rather than come back with J last Sunday by public transportation. We had a great time and Mr. Bean got to meet his little cousins, ages almost 5 and 2. They were very taken with him and did a great job of keeping him entertained. It was very sweet to see. And I really enjoyed my time out of the city, taking in the country air. It made me start to think more about how nice it would be to not live in the city any more. Fortunately we have got another nice vacation coming up in another 2 weeks, when we head out to Cape Cod. I could get used to this life of not working!


  1. Happy Conception Day (I love this, btw!) little guy!

  2. Oh come us a picture! A split shot--embryo pic on the left, real live baby on the right! And no, you can't leave the city :) I have to live vicariously through someone!

  3. Love this. Happy C Day Mr Bean!

  4. Sounds awesome Cassie. Compared to where you live and where I live we are worlds shortage of country space around here! Would love a visit to NYC someday...and Cape Cod country. Sounds awesome.

  5. Happy Conception Day, Mr. Bean!!! I love to go back through our pictures from transfer day and see those two little clumps of cells, who are now kicking and rolling around in my belly! I can only imagine how much more amazing it will be to review those pictures when the babies are here in living color! Congratulations on this milestone!
