Friday, August 19, 2011

Just say thanks...

That's what I need to learn to do when someone tells me that Mr. Bean has my eyes. Because apparently his eyes do look like mine, or so I've been told several times. The first time was by a friend of mine who commented on a photo I posted on Fac.ebook. I could have sworn that I had told her we used donor egg, so I was confused by her comment. I did write to her to clear it up though, just because she is a good friend (though admittedly we've been a little out of touch over the last year) and for some reason I didn't want to feel like I was "putting one over" on her. I think because I knew if it were me in her place, I would want to know precisely so I would not look foolish by making such a comment. Anyway, she wrote me back and apologized for not realizing (I had indeed written her about it when I found out I was pregnant, but didn't really dwell on the egg donor part, so she hadn't noticed), and also for making me feel uncomfortable about the comment. There were absolutely no hard feelings, and I'm glad that I did let her know. But when I told J about it, he thought I was a little weird. He didn't see why I felt like I needed to tell her. I explained that it was just because she was a good friend.

So the next day I went to my Mommy and Me yoga class. The owner of the studio stopped by at the end of the class. She had been my teacher for pre-natal yoga and had not seen me since the week before my c-section, when I was desperately trying to get Mr. Bean to turn. When she saw him, she immediately said, "Oh, he's got your eyes!" I was once again surprised, because I forget that there isn't a big sign posted on his onesie that says "donor egg baby". I pulled myself together and said "You think so? That's so nice!" And that's just what I'm going to say from now on.

We are mostly packed up for our vacation - we leave tomorrow morning as soon as we pick up the rental car and get it loaded up with all our stuff. I can't believe how much stuff is needed for a two week trip to the beach with a baby. And I'm sure we'll both take too much, and also forget something. Oh well. All we really need is the three of us. This is our first family vacation together, and I'm looking forward to starting a tradition.

Finally, Mr. Bean is 4 months old today. He had his 4 month doctor's appointment and everything looks great.

I'll be off the air for a couple of weeks and am wishing R at One Egg Please all the best with her delivery next week!!!


  1. I get these comments often about how Ant looks like me. I take it as a complement that I picked the right donor. There are times it bothers me, usually when I am feeling sensitive about using an egg donor.

    I really like how you answered it with your yoga instructor. I will have to try that because it still makes me feel awkward.

    Have a great trip!

  2. I'm sure those comments are hard, but your new attitude sounds great. Enjoy the vacation!

  3. I think you fielded the FB friend the way I would have, and your standard answer sounds good.
    I can only imagine how much stuff you're packing up, but you guys will have an amazing time! Enjoy!

  4. Yeah...good to take the high road on the comments. I know my DH doesn't understand either when ppl say comments...but again it wasnt his genetic line on the chopping block. I TOTALLY understand what you mean. But that's what I'm going to say. But LN10 looks NOTHING AT ALL like me...I am fair skinned, blonde, green eyes...he's dark hair, dark skin, stunning blue eyes...he mostly looks like my A. So lucky that way. Even my mom has a hard time when ppl make comments like "oh I totally thought LN10 would have blonde hair?" Yeah...even my parents have to deal with it. But its all an adjustment. Have a great vacay!!
