Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

What a long trip! We were stuck in California for 3 extra days thanks to the big snow storm here in NYC. Fortunately, we knew our flight was canceled the day before we were supposed to leave, so we just hung out at J's mom's house for the extra days. It turned out to be a good thing, because she had just thrown me my baby shower the day before we were supposed to leave, and we got so much loot that we needed to pack up and ship home, as well as get packed.

So, we had a very nice trip, despite the travel delays, as well as the fact that it rained for the first 5 days we were there (I thought it never rained in sunny California!). But we had some good time with J's family and lots of good food. We also found several cute baby stores and bought some cute little outfits, to add to all the stuff we got at our shower.

We finally made it back home yesterday with no problems on our flight, but had to stand in the taxi line at JFK for 45 minutes, and then with the traffic into the city, it took us another hour and a half to get home. We were very happy to be back. Tonight we aren't doing anything at all - just ordering Chinese food and watching a movie. We went for a walk today in Central Park, and saw all the melting snowmen that had been built after the storm. It is getting warm now though, so the snow won't last long. It's a little sad that we didn't get to see the beautiful snow when it first came down, but overall we were glad to miss the storm.

So here we are, finally on the brink of 2011. 2010 was a very eventful year, full of ups and downs. In fact, it was pretty much our lowest low and our highest high (so far). I am very happy to say goodbye to 2010, and can't wait to see all that 2011 has in store for us. I wish all of you a very happy New Year, especially those of you who are still fighting to complete your families. I hope this will be the best year for all of us!


  1. Happy New year Cass, I am so excited for what 2011 will bring!

  2. Happy New Year! I know it is going to be a fantastic year for you and glad you got home safely.


  3. Welcome home! And Happy New Year!!

  4. hi cassie - glad to see you had a nice trip out there with j and j's mom. sounds like a lot of running around for a pregnant girl! hope you also had some rest. happy 2011 to you!

  5. Happy New Year Cassie! I value your wisdom and friendship through this DE process this year. Thanks for everything! 2010 was a nightmare and a blessing all in one...2011...hopefully clear sailing for all!!

  6. Happy New year, dear Cassie. I'm so thrilled that 2011 has an amazing gift in store for you. You get to leave the low lows of 2010 behind and look forward to becoming a mom. What an amazing adventure that will be!
    Sending hugs from Canada (where the snow has also been melting with record high temperatures)

  7. Happy New Year! I'm so happy that 2010 ended for you with Mr. Bean wiggling away inside. : ) Here's to your highest high yet in 2011!
