Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Last night J was finally able to feel Mr. Bean move - I'm so happy! He had been reluctant to leave his hand on my belly very long and was just a little frustrated because Mr. Bean's movements were so sporadic. But last night I was snuggled up next to J trying to fall asleep as he was reading, and the critter was just going crazy. It was the most active I had ever felt him, and in two different places (I think he was stretched out across my whole uterus.) At one point there was a sustained tickle and a poke that actually made me squirm and laugh out loud as I was about to fall asleep. So I told J that this would be a good time to try to feel it. He put his hand there and sure enough, after a minute, we both felt a little nudge. J smiled and said, was that him? Of course it was. So he left his hand there and felt two more little nudges after that. Nothing as big as the one that made me laugh, but still undeniable. J seemed much more calm and happy after that, and even said "Maybe this is really happening then?" He just needs more tangible proof, besides the fact that my belly is getting bigger every day. I'm so happy I could finally share a little bit of this experience with him.


  1. That is so neat! : ) I'm sure that helped J feel more connected to your pregnancy. I think my DH would also need that kind of proof to convince him that it's really happening. What a great memory!

  2. So sweet! My DH was also sort of impatient and never wanted to leave his hand on my belly for long. I somehow think he thought I could control the critter moving or something, and was just withholding!! Now J will become a hand-on-belly addict!

  3. AHH!!! So cute!! Can't wait...

  4. that sounds like a very nice moment you and j shared with mr. bean! :)

  5. That is so awesome! I am sure that it helped make the pregnancy that much more real to your DH now. :)

  6. My H hated feeling the fetus move. Said it was too alien like and creepy. Isn't that weird?
