Monday, October 4, 2010

Graduation day

Wow. I just got the call from my nurse, and I am officially cut loose from CCRM. It feels totally weird. For almost a year and a half now, I've been having regular contact with them in some capacity or another. And now I'm on my own. Of course I have my OB, but I don't feel quite the same level of expertise from her. Not that I don't trust her, it just feels different.

So, today my E2 is 514 and my P4 is 13.38. So my progesterone is going up a little bit, but I still can't help being a little nervous about. If there weren't something for me to be nervous about, what else would I do?

In other news, I have a nasty cold, but don't want to take anything for it, of course. So I'm soldiering through. My wonderful husband has been taking great care of me though.

And I'm debating about getting a flu shot yet. My work has them for free this Thursday, so I asked my OB office this morning - they said it was fine to get the shot now, and it doesn't have to be preservative-free. (They don't have preservative-free at work.) But I have read all kinds of conflicting info online, so I'm thinking I might just wait until the end of this month, which is also the end of the trimester, and get the preservative-free shot at my nearby pharmacy. I called them and they don't seem to think they will run out by then, so I hope that is true. Once again, something else to worry about...


  1. Congrats on graduating...that's a huge deal! Sorry about the cold.

  2. Oh Cassie,
    I hope that for one week or two, maybe at week 36 or 37, you get to not worry at all about anything. It would be such a neat feeling, don't you think? (I can't even imagine what it would feel like myself: Augusta = big worrier).

    CONGRATS on graduating fully. That is very exciting news. And it sounds like your body and the placenta have taken over, so goodbye meds. Woohoo!

    I hope you feel better soon. It must be hard to teach with this cold.
    Be well, lovely woman.

  3. That is a huge deal! Congrats on your graduation today. If I were you...I'd get the non-preservative flu shot and after the first trimester is a very good idea. I got my H1N1 last fall but since then and before then I never really got flu shots. But now it's about the baby. Good luck getting rid of that pesky cold...hopefully the home remedies help.

  4. Congrats! That's great news! :) Hope you are able to not worry too much about the levels... but know that I would be worried too. Thinking of you!

  5. Congratulations on your graduation! Hope you feel better soon! At least you don't teach little kiddies that cough and sneeze all over you or forget to wash their hands thoroughly.


  6. Woohoo for graduating from CCRM!! I'm glad your progesterone levels were a bit higher. Sorry about your cold. Hope it runs its course quickly.


  7. Congratulations Cassie on your graduation! Like all graduations it is scary and you have so much invested in the next part of your journey. But you wouldn't have graduated had they not been of the view that you were ready to. Am hoping, like Augusta, that the worrying does end for you at some stage during this pregnancy xxx

  8. Very exciting to pass the huge milestone of graduation - congrats Cassie!! I got my flu shot at my local Walgreen's - and they automatically gave me the preservative-free one because I was pregnant. I heard a story on the news this morning that getting a flu shot will help your infant fight of respiratory illness in their first 6 months, so just another reason to get one. I think as long as you get it in the next few weeks, you're fine.

    And I had a cold too - a neti pot really helped me. It is so gross, and rather unpleasant, but it did work with the snotty-ness. And rest!

  9. Great news--"congradulations!!!" : )

  10. probably one of the best graduation ceremonies you ever have. I remember those twinges, but dont worry its all good!

