Wednesday, October 13, 2010

NT scan

Just a quick update. Today we are at 11 weeks, 5 days, and we had our NT scan this morning. For those not in the know, that is the nuchal translucency scan, done by ultrasound to measure the thickness of the neck. It is a non-invasive screening procedure that can give a good idea about the chance of Down syndrome. It is combined with a blood test, and a follow-up blood test in the second semester, to test for the presence of some chemical I can't remember at the moment, which can also indicate a chance of Down syndrome. So the preliminary results based on the NT scan look good, and we just have to get the blood results as well. We are really not at risk for Down syndrome or other such abnormalities, based on our donor's age of 19, but we wanted to do this test anyway. Now we will not feel the need to do a CVS or amnio, which I am glad about.

This was a big hurdle for us and we were happy to see Mr. Bean squirming around again on the screen. I guess it will be a while again until we see him (or her, if she turns out to be a Ms. Bean...). We have our 20 week scan scheduled for Dec. 10th, but I hope my doctor will let us have a peek in her office before then.

I am going away for this weekend, down to see my parents and my nephews who are visiting while my sister and brother-in-law go to a wedding. I'm excited to see my nephews, since I didn't get to visit them this summer because of all my trips to Denver. My youngest nephew is only 18 months and doesn't really know me since I last saw him when he was a tiny baby. It will be fun to see them both. I'm taking a few days off from teaching to stretch out the weekend. It's nice to be able to do that.

I have been having a lot of funny pains in my belly - not typical cramps, but more like sharp pulling. I don't know if this is round ligament pain, or just expansion. But I am really not showing yet and starting to wonder when the heck that is going to happen. I'm ready to start looking the part, I think. And in just a few more weeks we will think about going public I guess, although I might wait a bit longer until I really start to show. We'll see.


  1. I am SO happy that things are going smoothly and progressing well. :)

  2. Glad everything went well.


  3. Thanks for the update Cassie! Wow...11w5d already? Time flies!! So glad the nuchal screen ultrasound came with positive results. Big hurdles indeed! Take care. Hope you are feeling okay too.

  4. That is so awesome to hear. This is a huge step and one big hurdle crossed! Whew!

  5. Very good news on the scan front. Another hurdle cleared. It's exciting that you are starting to feel some funny pains. Pretty soon, you'll be feeling the baby move and will sport a beautiful bump.
    Enjoy your weekend with family.

  6. Cassie, this just makes me smile so big! You are doing so great :)

    I had tons of that pulling, pain, weird sensations during the first tri - I have (had?) a retroverted ute, so it was just my ute moving into a more forward position. Never mentioned in a single preg book (yet another reason those things are for fertiles only!). Not sure if you are retorverted, but those pains are totally normal. In fact, they will continue for a while, if not the whole time. They move around, but there is a lot of stretching going on in those 40 weeks!

  7. I'm so glad things are looking so good!! Enjoy your trip!

  8. That is great news. I am so glad things are moving along so well.

  9. So happy that things are progressing so well! I can't believe you're almost starting your second trimester already! I bet you'll start showing before you know it. I hope you enjoy your time with your nephews! It's great that Mr./Ms. Bean will have cousins so close in age.


  10. Just stopping by to check up on you, so glad to see that all is going perfectly!
