Friday, October 1, 2010

Hormone levels

Just got the call from the nurse with my results from bloodwork on Wednesday. (Had to go to the bad place, where they refuse to run the blood stat and usually take one day to get results back - this time it actually took two. Ugh.) Anyway, as a reminder I had stopped all progesterone supplementation and was on just one Vivelle patch. So my estradiol was 584 on Wednesday and my progesterone was 11. The nurse said that was great, but that progesterone level seems too close to the low end to me. She said it just needs to be over 6, and that is what my body is doing all on its own, so it's great. It just makes me nervous. So today I stop the Vivelle altogether and get checked one last time (probably) on Monday. What do you guys think about those levels, especially the progesterone? Am I silly to worry? I know I have to trust the nurse, but it is so scary.
If everything is fine on Monday, that will be the end of CCRM - I will be set free. I can't believe it!


  1. No advice on the hormone levels but I'm sure those who have been here before will weigh in. Ah, to be FREE of CCRM, what a wonderful feeling!

  2. No advice either...maybe Dr. Google can help you out! Ah the thought of CCRM freedom or any RE's office really...wonderful!

  3. I had exactly the same thing (the levels were different b/c I was on PIO) - I was actually slightly under the threshold number at my last check (they wanted above 20, and I was 19.something) - and the nurse said exactly the same thing to me - that I had made it all myself and it was fine. So I begrudgingly trusted her. And I'm at 25 weeks now. So I guess they know what they were talking about!

    And your E2 is perfect! So be happy and celebrate graduation!! It's a big deal!

  4. Edited to add: I was actually even lower - 18.4, and the threshold for PIO is 20 - and am still fine. So seriously, you are doing fine.

  5. Cassie,

    I was the queen of P4 paranoia. I was on PIO and my numbers were barely 20 1.5 days after a shot, at 12 weeks. CCRM bid me goodbye but I wasn't comfortable with going off completely. My OB agreed (her words were "it's working", so why cut it off). I ended up going to 15 weeks, slowly tapering down and going for weekly tests until I had a nice number over 20 a week since my last shot. My doc was not concerned about me being on PIO that long. After almost 6 years to get to that point, I just wasn't willing to risk going off too soon even if it was CCRM telling me to do so. Plus I have a short luteal phase so I sort of already have P4 issues.

    So, do what feels right for you. Maybe talk to your OB and see if they will monitor you. Or, since you are not at the magical CCRM 12 weeks yet, ask your nurse if you can continue to taper down and have a few more blood draws.

    One thing I am not sure of--I know they want to see 20 when you are on PIO and 6 when you are on endometrin. But once you are making P4 yourself, there shouldn't be a difference, right? I just assumed that 20 was the "natural" level they want to see but maybe it is 6?


  6. Yippee for being so close to graduation!! Sorry, I can't give any advice on your P4 levels, but if it makes you feel less anxious, I'd consider weaning off the progesterone a tad slower. Will Mr. Bean be going to any concerts this weekend?!


  7. I had a run in with low P4 early in my pregnancy. I could FEEL the too-lowness. Maybe I'm just sensitive to it, I dunno. What I do know is that I was below the recommended level. (Though I too was doing PIO instead of endometrin.) This is one area where I think CCRM has enough experience that if they say x level is good enough, they are probably right!

  8. Oh Cassie-

    I have nothing to add towards the levels, as I am behind you in the process. I go for my first hormone check on Monday. :) Just wanted to say hurray for graduating from CCRM. How wonderful and scary at the same time!
