Sunday, October 31, 2010

I hope I didn't jinx myself...

...but I actually did some online shopping for maternity clothes, thanks to the link to Lo.ft Maternity at IVFC. I was lured in by the link and then completely won over by the fact that they were having a 30% off sale, with free shipping. I can't resist a bargain. So I bought 3 cute tops and a black ruffle cardigan. I am the queen of cardigans and I see no reason why that shouldn't continue for the next 6 months. So I actually did it. Not that I need them yet, but I know I will at some point. Didn't get any pants because I'm really hard to fit, and generally wear petite sizes, so I'll probably have to go to a real store to try things on. I know Lo.ft doesn't have the maternity clothes in their stores, but there is a giant maternity store here in Manhattan, so I'll hit that eventually.

Not much else going on. We will head out for a nice walk in Central Park soon, to see the leaves and maybe cute kids in Halloween costumes. Last year was a nightmare on Halloween. I had just gotten a BFN from my first frozen transfer at CCRM and was forced to venture out in my kid-filled neighborhood for an errand that had to be done. I remember that I returned home almost in tears. This year feels much better.


  1. I don't think you jinxed yourself. You need clothes, you are 14 weeks pregnant. This is happening. Were you able to use the teacher discount as well as the 30% off coupon?

  2. glad you're taking the leap to buy some maternity clothes. You are VERY pregnant, my dear. Enjoy your stroll in Central Park as well. It's a lovely day!

  3. Hi again. It's A from SF. Happy to hear that the first trimester went so well. Congrats on the start of your pregnancy wardrobe.

    I ended up failing my first IVF here in SF so we're planning to go to CCRM next. Our phone consultation is Tuesday. Thanks for all the info. you've posted about your experiences at CCRM. Makes me feel less scared and overwhelmed.

  4. Hi A,
    I don't know how to contact you, but I'm sorry to hear about your failed cycle. If you aren't already on there, come over to and make your way to the Colorado board on the IVF by location forum. It's full of good resources and most of the people who read and comment on my blog. Good luck to you!

  5. Hey there! Glad things are much better now and that everything looks great. Rooting for you.


  6. Yahoo...another milestone...buying mat clothes!! And so happy this year's Halloween is filled with so much anticipation and happiness. Take er easy...

  7. I hear you about having issues with Halloween but this year just seems different. In fact, I wrote about that exact subject in my blog post today...Congrats on second tri and getting clothes! Yaahoooo!!


  8. Woohoo for maternity clothes! I'm so happy that Halloween was much easier for you this year. Next year you're going to be shopping for an adorable costume for your baby! :-)


  9. I'm so happy that this Halloween was a little better than last! : ) I love cardigans and ruffly stuff--glad you found some great deals!

  10. Nice.... good for you on taking that leap! I am so proud of you! Hope you had a great weekend!

  11. Hope you had a great walk in Central Park among the leaves. Maternity clothes! Great!

  12. Awesome - you are flying along. Its great you feel comfy getting a few things. Let me know when you are up for a baby store tour!

    Mr IVF / mr Inbetween / whatever I am today

  13. Isn't it AMAZING what a difference a year can make!?!
