Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Heat wave!

What a day I've had! We are having a lovely heat wave up here in the northeast - it seems to have followed us down from Boston, where we were over the holiday weekend. Yesterday, after a 4 1/2 hour train ride back down to NJ, we got home to discover the power was partially out in our building, which meant the elevator wasn't working and there was no AC in our unit. So we lugged our suitcases up four flights and tried to figure out what the problem was. Seems that transformers all over our area were blowing out, but after an hour we had power again.

So today I got up early to get my blood drawn, to have my progesterone level checked. Who should I see at the doctor's office but Mr. and Mrs. InBetween! What a lovely surprise! This doctor's office is a shared space between the local RE clinic that both Mrs. InBetween and I used before moving to CCRM, and the best ob/gyn in town (as Mr. InBetween calls him, Dr. Rockstar). So although I usually don't like to share the waiting room with the pregnant ladies (even though there is a divider...), I was happy to make an exception to chat with my fellow CCRM-er. She is looking lovely and hanging on to those two little ones, who have now made it past 30 weeks.

After the blood draw, I headed home to wait to hear from a somewhat flaky rental broker we have fallen in with. She met us last Thursday to show us some apartments, only to inform us that the ones we would be most interested in had already rented. Today I was supposed to see some new listings, and just had to wait for her call to know what time to meet her on the Upper West Side. Finally headed in to meet her at 3:00. And wouldn't you know it, on the hottest day of the year so far (it topped out at over 100 today), we ended up not being able to see the units that were most interesting to us. It wasn't her fault - the management had told her that we could see all the available units in the building, only to show up and find out from the super that the two-bedroom units still had tenants in them and couldn't be shown. So we just looked at the one-bedroom units, to get an idea of what the building is like. I was somewhat frustrated.

So after that, I headed out to do a little shopping to console myself (and cool down in the air conditioning), when my nurse called. My progesterone was at a good level (still don't know what it was) and she wants me to start Lupron tonight. The only problem was that I didn't have any Lupron. But it turned out to be a good thing that I was wandering around on the Upper West Side, because the nurse was able to call in my Rx to a fancy pharmacy there that carries fertility drugs, and I came home with my Lupron in hand. Phew!

And I'll repeat the whole process tomorrow as I'm heading back into the city to hopefully see some more appropriate apartments.

As far as the calendar goes, we don't have specific dates but it's looking like retrieval will be the first week of August, and transfer the second week. So at least now we know and can adjust our moving dates accordingly. We'll see what the apartment hunt brings...


  1. We are having that heat wave in Toronto too, it is just awful. I'm glad you were able to get away for the weekend, Boston is a city that I haven't been, but would really like to.

    Wow, things are moving fast with your cycle. I can't believe that you are starting Lupron already. I am so excited for you.

  2. Oh my, your day sounds like a doozy! I think last week's heatwave here in the Midwest has moved eastward to you guys! It is very nice here this week, so maybe cooler weather is on the horizon for you. I can imagine that there are many rolling blackouts in NYC, and that must be awful!

    How exciting that you are starting Lupron tonight! You're getting so close now!

  3. Good luck to you! I will probably be there the end of July if all goes well. My favorite nurse there is Marsha. She is truly the best.


  4. Ugh on the heat! I hope it lets up soon--it hasn't even hit 100 here yet, which is frankly bizarre.

  5. Great to hear things are moving along with your cycle!

  6. Great to see you as well Cassie. Thanks for allowing us to hang on on the wrong side of the fence with you. It was great to see you and hear your news / plans. Seeing you put a huge smile on Mrs Inbetween head for the rest of the day. Shame about the apartments but great news on the lupron-on-demand result!
