Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Moved in...

...but far from unpacked. The move went pretty well though. I am so impressed with our movers, who have a special set of challenges moving in the city where parking is not guaranteed. We were able to buy "no parking" signs for underneath our building for the move out, but it was a free-for-all at the new place in the city. In a duo of parking miracles, J and I arrived in our car about 15 minutes ahead of the movers and found a parking space just one door down from our new place. Thanks to my expert parallel parking skills, I was able to squeeze into the tight spot and we could start unloading the kitties and other precious cargo. (The cats were put into the bathroom, where they nervously hung out in the bathtub while all the unloading ensued...) So a few minutes later I look out the front window to see that the moving truck has arrived. Fortunately, there is a fire hydrant just in front of our building, which is about the length of 2 cars (or a fire truck, I guess). I could not believe my eyes - they were squeezing the truck into this tight spot and as I looked down, the movers were out on the street guiding the driver, to keep him from hitting the cars in front and behind. And guess what kind of car was parked right behind the truck? A Porsche. They were backing this huge truck up to literally 2 inches from the hood of this Porsche. I leaned out the window and shouted "Please don't hit the Porsche!". One of the movers looks up at me and asks, "Is that your car?" "I wish!", I said. In fact, I think I would have been less concerned about them hitting it if it had been my car. But now that I think about it, I'm sure they have insurance for that sort of thing. Anyway, the spot was just a little too tight for them to get in, so what do they do? They shove the Honda parked in front of the truck out of the way. It was not so easy to move - three guys gave it a few good shoves and they were able to move it forward the extra six inches they needed to squeeze the truck in. It was seriously impressive! That was pretty much the highlight of the move for me.

Other than that, things went smoothly. We have been unpacking since Saturday and still have tons of boxes to deal with. My biggest challenge is the kitchen, which is about 1/3 the size of our old place and has no pantry and very little cabinet space. We need to go to Ikea to get some storage to mount on the walls, so I'll have a place to put everything. We'll do that this Friday. Today I just need to tackle more boxes...

In other news, I wrote my nurses today to ask for a progress report on our donor. She started stims on Sunday and had her first ultrasound yesterday. She had 14 follicles yesterday. I thought that seemed a little low, considering I usually have around 12 myself. But the nurse said it was still early and she could have more than that. She has another ultrasound tomorrow, so we'll see. What do you guys think? (Honestly...) So now I have something to obsess about!


  1. Yay for being in the new place, although I don't envy the unpacking at all. You'll feel great when it is all organized though. As for 14 follies, that sounds great to me (I never had that many!) and remember, she will have a better % of quality eggs, so 14 is more like 20 for us fertility-challenged ladies. And it is still early, I always had a big uptick in #s at the second and third check.

  2. I'm so glad the move went well (and that no Porsches's were damaged in the process, LOL). I'm lousy at parallel parking, mostly because I've only had to do it a handful of times, so I'm always very impressed by the folks that do it with ease.

    At my first stim check, they could only see four follicles and I ended up with 13 so, to me, 14 sounds awesome. I've read that retrieving 10-20 eggs is ideal for quality so I think things are right on track. When is the next ultrasound?

  3. Hey Cassie! Nice to hear from you again and glad to hear you are settling into your new place. One less stress out of the way. I think 14 follies sounds great. I'm hoping for a minimum 6 awesome blasts from our donor so I'd be happy with 14 follies...good luck with your donor's stims.

  4. Glad you are getting settled in! 14 sounds good to me. Since she is young and has passed all of the rigorous testing, you will probably end up with a lot of blasts! Crossing my fingers for you!

  5. Hi Cassie,

    14 is very good. They will get more later, I am sure. Glad the moving went well and hopefully, your husband can do all the hard stuff while you are away:)


  6. So glad to hear you are moved in. I hope you are able to find a place for everything... I think that is the hardest part!

    14 sounds good for me at a first check... Keep us posted!

  7. You know CCRM, they always measure low on the early ultrasounds,even all the way through actually. I'm sure she'll get plenty!

  8. So glad that the move is over and went smoothly. I HATE unpacking so I feel so bad for you, hope it goes quickly.

    I never had specific details about my donor so I couldn't tell you if that is good or not, but 14 sounds pretty awesome to me.
