Friday, July 16, 2010

Some travel dates

So, we are both going to Denver on August 2. I found out that my local clinic will not draw my blood for me, even though they did it last year. The new nurse in charge of the satellite office where I go is a real hard-a$$ and will not let me do it. So rather than waste time and energy trying to find a place to have it drawn, and waste the money on the shipping kit, I am just going to fly out with J. He had already booked a round-trip ticket, with the return on the 8th, but I just bought a one-way so I can book my return when we have a better idea of when retrieval will be. I'm glad we got that settled.

My appointments got set up today, for the afternoon of the 2nd and the morning of the 3rd. Since they had originally asked us to fly out on the 1st and have all the appointments on the 2nd, things are a little tight on the afternoon of the 2nd. We get in just before 1 and have to be at CCRM by 2:15 for my lining check and then re-group with Dr. Sch at 2:30. That is going to be stressful - I don't know if we'll make it in time. But that was the only slot he had all day.

So I'm glad to have that all taken care of. Meanwhile I still haven't gotten AF, but the nurse assured me that was ok. She had it on my calendar for yesterday, and to start patches today, but I'm still waiting. She said it was no problem if I don't get it until Sunday. After that, I'm not sure. But I have never had a problem building a lining before, so fingers crossed.

Today I took a day off from packing and went into the city to pick up the keys to our new place. I met J there and we took some measurements and looked around a bit more to see where we would fit all our stuff. Our lease doesn't start until Tuesday, but they didn't have a problem with getting in early to do that. We didn't stay long because we were going to see Inception in IMAX - it was absolutely AMAZING! I highly recommend it. I was on the edge of my seat, and in tears by the end.

Now we are home and J is doing some packing. He is packing his CDs right now. By his calculation he has more than 1,400. That's a lot of CDs.... I have a feeling we are going to have to weed out a lot more stuff before we move. I've actually been enjoying the organizing and purging. Yesterday I was shredding all kinds of papers that had been piling up, including paperwork from all our failed IVF cycles. I even shredded photos of transferred embryos that didn't stick. It feels good to put the past behind me and focus on moving forward. And so I'm off to help with the packing!


  1. C., that's ridiculous that your local clinic isn't cooperating about the blood draw. Maybe it's for the best as it will give you a few extra days to lounge by the pool again. :-)

    I'm glad you liked Inception. I can't wait to see it! I think I may go on Sunday.

    You seem to be in such a wonderful, happy place. It's just awesome, I'm so very happy for you!


  2. It must feel so awesome to finally have some dates. We talk to Dr. Sch on Monday to discuss our timeline and CCS on DE embies. So it will feel good to finally get a timeline in place for us too.

  3. So glad you finally got a calendar that you have booked your travel. Aug 2 will be here SO soon!!!

  4. I remember having an issue with getting blood to ship out when we lived in Northern CA. They wouldn't take an out of state doctor's orders just for a simple blood test with results, although I did find out that Dr. S had a CA license too. I had to go to the hospital to do just a draw at their lab and stay there until I got the serum.


  5. So happy that you have things lined up! It's starting!!
