Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Last trip to Denver?

Well, here we are again, in Denver. I have to say that the novelty has certainly worn off, and arriving here once again was more of a drag than it has been in the past. We don't feel much like doing any particularly "Denver-like" activities but rather are just relaxing and going to the movies and bowling and going to the outlet mall. Not so exciting.

We got here on Monday and had all our initial appointments on Tuesday (ultrasound for lining check, consult with doctor, follow-up psych consult, consent forms signings and bloodwork for communicables). So that is all out of the way. My lining looks really good, at 8.3 with a triple stripe. They told me yesterday that it was likely our donor would trigger last night, but she did not. When I spoke with my nurse today, she didn't have the details as to why not (it certainly seemed that the follicles were the right size yesterday) but most likely it is that her E2 was high and they want to coast her for a day to avoid hyperstimulation. I hope this doesn't mean we are in danger of getting over-cooked eggs. Always something to worry about. I'll try to get more details out of her when she calls me back later. She should be calling later to confirm that the donor will trigger tonight and to give me instructions for my meds...

So this means that retrieval will probably be on Friday. Then, we will hopefully do a Day 5 transfer, so I'm stuck out here for quite a while. Day 5 would be on Wednesday, and then the 2 days of bedrest has me flying home on....Friday the 13th. Fun. J will be going home on Sunday, as I think I mentioned before, so I'll be on my own next week. We will go to the grocery store and get me all stocked up with stuff I need, so I will be all set for bedrest. But I will be staying at the Homewood Suites, which has dinner available on Monday through Thursday, so I can even have them bring me food to my room. And I won't have a car, even for the early part of the week before transfer, since J will be returning it when he leaves. But I shouldn't really need it. I have a lot of work that I need to do to prepare for the new semester. I haven't been doing anything to prepare for the fall all summer since we have been so busy with getting ready for this cycle and also moving. So being here with nothing else to do will be good for getting some work done.

I want to post more about how we are feeling about all of this, but don't really feel like it right now. We are working on the letter to give to our donor, so I'm going to help J with that now. I will try to post more soon, and I'm sure I'll have plenty of time for posting next week as well, after he has gone.

Oh, we went to see Inception again today. Still amazing the second time.

And I'm looking forward to meeting up with R from OneEggPlease next week - that will be fun!


  1. Nice to hear from you Cassie! So jealous you and R get to meet for real...hope you two have a nice time. And BEST OF LUCK!!

  2. I really hope it is your last trip to Denver too! We are in the same boat as you, not interested in doing anything touristy this time around. Just the outlet mall, our fav restaurants and relaxing by the pool (I really hope the weather is nice) and of course, hanging out with you!

  3. R is great to have around! I hope it is your last trip to Denver too!


  4. We felt the same way on our third trip to Denver. It had just lost its 'magic' if there ever was any magic :)
    I actually fell asleep during Inception. I just didn't get into it--but I'm completely in the minority. Or maybe I was just really really tired and it was cool and dark in the theater :)

  5. Cassie, I so hope this is your last trip to Denver. I can't wait to hear your fert report. I have my fingers & toes crossed for you. Enjoy your visit with R.


  6. Yeah, after the first visit, it does lose the magic. Hopefully this is your last visit for at least 9+ months! Will you get details about the donor, like how many eggs, sizes and e2 levels?

    Have fun with R!

  7. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!! I can imagine how the city must lose its magic and hope that this is your LAST trip there, at least as a family of two!

  8. It's my first time visiting your blog, Cassie. I've enjoyed your writing. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I found the link on R's blog. Glad the two of you can meet up in Denver!

    My husband and I are preparing for egg donation probably this fall. We are doing it through a known donor, a very kind soul indeed.

    I wish you all the best in your egg donor cycle. I will be reading up and hoping that you and your husband are blessed with a little baby.

    p.s. I read one of your April post, and can I just say, I HATE prenatal yoga!!!
