Saturday, September 11, 2010

Some symptoms

So I think I'm starting to get some nausea, though it feels almost more like indigestion. But in addition to just having a generally upset tummy, I've been getting little waves of nausea. Nothing major, but I'm preparing myself.

Another symptom I've noticed in the last day is a heightened sense of smell, which is not really a good thing when walking around New York City. Nothing like a nice urine-soaked sidewalk baking in the sun. And those roasting bags of garbage. But right now one of my cats is sitting next to me on the couch cleaning herself, and I'm particularly aware that her breath really doesn't smell very good.

It makes sense that these two symptoms would surface around the same time. I'm curious to see how they develop.


  1. Hey Cassie! Here's hoping your symptoms never get more than this. But it is so cool and wierd when you first start to experience're like " this is what morning sickness feels like".

  2. YAY for symptoms. The two times I was briefly pregnant, the first symptom I got was extreme fatigue. Can't wait to hear how you are progressing.

  3. I'm sure the symptoms are reassuring but yuck on the outside NYC smells. Maybe some nose clips are in order :)

  4. Yeah for having pregnancy symptoms, hopefully you'll have a mild case. I've experienced the heightened sense of smell with two of my pregnancies...that cannot be at all pleasant in NYC. What day is your ultrasound?


  5. Symptoms are good:)

