Monday, June 21, 2010

Back to the real world

We made it back from our wonderful vacation in Mexico and I've been slowly catching up on all the things I need to do. First of all, that was truly the vacation that we needed. We had a fantastic, relaxing time. The beach was gorgeous, the water wonderful and the food scrumptious. We did some drinking, but not too much since we're just not used to it anymore. We saw Mayan ruins and went snorkeling and saw huge, gorgeous sea turtles. That's me doing my best Karate Kid moves on the beach in front of our hotel.

J and I bought matching bracelets from a guy selling them on the beach. They represent our renewed commitment to one another and the next step in our quest to bring home a baby. I have said that we are not allowed to take them off until we bring home a baby (or babies), and then we'll take them off and make them into little baby anklets. He thinks I'm being a little silly about that last part, but he's humoring me for now...

Here is the gorgeous beach right in front of our small hotel. It was truly relaxing and straight out of a postcard....

I got a chance to catch up on a bunch of reading, and look forward to doing more of it over the course of the summer. Here I am reading "The Namesake", which I really enjoyed. It might not look like I can see the book in this picture, but I was able to see about 2 inches at a time, keeping the bright sun off my face. I managed to avoid getting a sunburn, which I'm quite proud of.

So now we are back home, but I'm trying to keep these images in my mind. Before I left I set up several appointments that I need to do this week so we can get the log-on information for the donor pool. Today I went and had my sonohystogram, which wasn't too pleasant but not too bad. Everything looks good inside my uterus, so we are good so far. We have a psych consult set up over the phone tomorrow evening. We will talk to the psychologist at CCRM and hopefully make a good enough impression that we will get cleared. And then on Wednesday I will speak to my doctor about our last failure and the decision to move on to donor eggs. I know he won't have a problem with it, since he has been hinting at it for a while now. That is all that we need to do this week and then we should be able to start picking our donor. We need to have more conversation about what characteristics are most important for us, but I think we are mostly on the same page. I am going to try really hard not to get caught up on too many little details. I don't want to be overly hasty, but I also really hope that we can find someone who will be ready to cycle in August, and that the timing works out for us to do it before my school semester begins.

J and I did have some really good talks about things while in Mexico and I think we are both ready for this next step. I would be lying if I said that I am as ready as he is though. I still have this little bit of sadness inside me that I won't be able to carry on the genes of my mother, who died when I was young. It makes me a little sad to see pictures of her right now, but I hope I will get beyond that. I know that she would want me to.


  1. First, your vacation looks and sounds amazing.

    I know how important passing your genes on to a child would be - especially because you lost your mother. I'm sad for you, that this won't happen. I still think about that loss of the genetic connection from time to time, but it has faded...a lot.

    I so hope you get the password ASAP so that you can start the process.

  2. I love Mexico. We used to go every year to Playa until IVF treatments started eating our vacation funds. I want to go back so badly!

    I'm glad you had a nice relaxing time--you deserved it! I hope everything else goes smoothly and you can start searching the database!

  3. Looks like an amazing vacation! Dh & I splurged on a vacation after our failed FET and it was magical for us. I still picture the beach in my head when I get stressed about something. Hoping that things fall into place this week for you so that you can get the password for the donor pool. Thinking of you!

  4. Wow, those are lovely pictures, what a perfect looking beach! Thanks for posting them - I always love the virtual vacay!

    I hope you get that password soon!

  5. Hola! Welcome back...I love the Mayan Riviera!! Favorite place to visit.

    We're just awaiting our psych consult too then apparently we can get a password to search DE database. Good luck to you...
