Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Small update

So my nurse is avoiding my direct questions about when we might cycle. Today she wrote me back and didn't address my question at all, but suggested that we might check my P4 next week and then start me on Lupron instead of the BCPs. This way, she said, we could definitely get the cycle in before the end of August. I assume she means that I would start the Lupron after I get AF, but maybe I'm wrong?

When I've done my own FETs, it was exactly one month from starting Lupron to transfer. I am expecting AF in mid-July. My donor got her AF last week, and in my past retrievals it was 5 weeks from AF to retrieval. So how do we get to the middle-ground and end up at that same stage?

Any thoughts?

I wrote the nurse back and said I totally understand that she can't give me a calendar, but that we are thinking of moving at the very beginning of August, and did she see any reason why that wouldn't be a good idea? She is still mum...

And one more update - we have the "rocket" packed up and ready for pick up. J. came home from work today and diligently did his part, then we had fun getting the sample prepared and all packed up and deposited the little tubes into the inner core of the cooler. It was all steamy in there...very cool! FedEx will be here to pick it up tomorrow afternoon for blast off!


  1. Sorry Cassie...can't offer any advice on how to bridge the gap. But good luck...it will all work out I just know it...

  2. The nurses are so quiet when it comes to calendars. It is the MOST frustrating part of the entire process. I don't know if you remember, but I felt like I was waiting forever this year for the calendars.

    Yes, you would start Lupron before AF at 10 units and then go down to 5 units after AF.
