Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Still waiting and more worries...

Well, I'm a little frustrated because my nurse didn't write me back until yesterday, and then only to say that she can't give me a calendar until I also get AF, which won't be for a little more than 2 weeks. I am pretty predictable about when it will come, and wrote her back to ask if I could at least get a general time frame for retrieval, which of course I would not hold her to. I just need to have an idea because we have no idea about when we should be planning our move. We just started looking for apartments yesterday (very depressing and scary!) and there are plenty of places that are available immediately or some time in July, so we are starting to wonder whether we should try to move earlier than August 1, if possible. Of course that would mean paying double rent for a while, which is not ideal, but we would prefer that to missing our donor cycle (which we will NOT do). And I guess we could delay our move into September, but that is very inconvenient for me with the beginning of the new school year. I have a group of first year students I mentor and advise, so they are very demanding during that time of year.

So anyway, she did not write back yesterday and I really hope to hear from someone today. I don't want to be perceived as a nag, but wonder if I am being unreasonable to just get a general idea of when the cycle would be. Like I said before, for my own cycles it was about 4.5 to 5 weeks from me getting AF to my retrieval. I am assuming that it would be about the same time for my donor, but I don't know where I fit in to the picture. I'll be getting my AF about 3 weeks after her, and have to prep for the transfer. Any thoughts? I know that for myself, they wouldn't let me be on BCPs too long before a cycle because they didn't want me over suppressed. Does anyone know how long they will let a donor be on BCPs to time a cycle? Ugh! This is really stressing me out. It is stressful enough to cycle, and to move, but to put both together is a little crazy. We have started to discuss the option of not moving, which was seeming quite possible as the owners haven't had any luck selling this place since putting it on the market in May. But there has been more interest lately since they dropped the price, so it is likely that they will sell it after all. However, as the realtor pointed out to me the other day, even if they get an offer this week, it will take at least two months before they get co-op approval and close, so we wouldn't have to move for at least that long. I wonder if we should wait. I guess it just depends on whether we find just the right place when we really start looking next week.

This post has been quite boring - I apologize. In more interesting news, we received a giant tank by FedEx from SCSA Diagnostics, so we can send in J's sperm sample for the . I cannot believe how huge this thing is. Actually, I'm going to take a picture now to show you... hold on.

Ok, here's the monster. When J. saw it, he said "There's no way I'm going to be able to fill that!" (I put his bass guitar in the picture for size reference...)

And when you open it, here's the pre-cooled dry shipper that's inside. I haven't opened it yet because I'm paranoid about letting it get too warm.

I'm a little confused about the instructions, because I got the impression online that we should freeze the sample before shipping it, but the sheet that came with this just says to put the sample in the shipper. So I'm going to call but am waiting for business hours in South Dakota (I don't even know what time zone they are in!). I'm also worried because this thing is supposed to last for 7 days, but I've gotten conflicting information as to that is from when it was shipped, or when I received it. They sent it out last Thursday, but I saw on the tracking info that it hung out in Newark all weekend, before being delivered to me yesterday. And of course it was out in the truck yesterday for half the day on the hottest day of the year so far. So I'm wondering if I can put some cold packs in there too. We'll see. That's my excitement for today. I want to send this off tomorrow, so I guess I should call FedEx now to arrange for pick up. There is no way in hell I'm lugging that down to the FedEx store!


  1. First, holy cow that is a robot! When A. did his SA test, he went to the hospital and dropped off his sample. It was pretty easy, so I'm not sure about how the robot works, but would love to hear about it when you figure it out.

    As for the donor part - YES, I always found this part so stressful. Its like they wouldn't give you anything in writing until you both had periods. So frustrating. I will tell you, that they will work it out, but sometimes it takes a bit longer than you want. They may ask to extend the pack by a few days or you to take a few less pills, this is the part of the process that takes the longest for them so try and be patient, I know it is so hard I had to wait 3 weeks for my first calendar and then again for the second one. Waiting sucks. After having me as a patient who still emails them daily, I don't think it could get any worse!

  2. Ok, so I just talked to the lab. Apparently that inner core is minus 30 degrees and once we drop the sample in there, it will be frozen instantly. That is insane. And she said that it will last more like 10 days, so we shouldn't worry. And that it could be over 100 degrees outside and it will still be fine. I'm very impressed!

  3. I'm so sorry they won't release your calendar. I don't know anything about donor cycles (yet) but hope you get some good answers soon. In the meantime, thought I would entertain you with our own SCSA story: Rocket Man

    Hang in there.

  4. hi cassie,
    that picture of the robot lured me out of my non-commnenting status... holy cow! it is so impressively large! good to know it will keep things cold. i would be going crazy wondering about the timing and synching for the donor cycle- maybe post on the donor forum and someone there can give you more information about how it all works and what to expect with synching? all the best to you... soulshine

  5. The dry shipper looks like R2D2! Sorry there are so many loose ends to be tied up--that is my least favorite part of these procedures. I hope your nurse replies soon and sends a calendar your way. Best of luck with apartment hunting!

  6. man that freezer containership thing is huge! Let me know if you need an extra pair of hands lugging things for the move as you need to take it easy! Happy to help.

  7. Cool bass :)
    Good luck with getting the calendar!
