Saturday, June 5, 2010

No news is good news?

Well, I didn't hear from the lab this morning so I called them this afternoon, and was told by the person who answered the phone that they are not making Day 3 calls anymore. That would be fine, except that they told me after retrieval and also when they called with the Day 2 ICSI results that they would call on Day 3. She said she could leave a message for them to call me anyway, so I waited the rest of the day for them to call. Nothing. I gripped my cell phone, on vibrate, all the way into Manhattan for a small wedding ceremony, only turning if off 5 minutes before the ceremony began. Then turned it back on right after and made J carry it in his pocket. Kept checking it compulsively all day - nothing. So unless they are going to take pity on me and call me tomorrow, I'll have to wait until Monday or Tuesday to hear from them. Monday is Day 5, which is the day where most embryos that are "on track" should become blasts, but sometimes they are a little slow and don't make it to blast until Day 6. And those that were Day 2 ICSIs would definitely take until at least Tuesday. So the waiting continues. Ugh.


  1. The waiting game is the worst! I really hope that you get some encouraging news as soon as you get the call. Hopefully they will call both Monday and Tuesday! If it were me, I would call back, because I'm so impatient. Thinking of you.

  2. What? They don't call on Day 3 anymore? What the hell is that? Grrrrr.

    I'm sorry you have to keep waiting. I hope you can find ways to distract yourself today!

  3. Ugh! I am with Pie- when did they stop calling on Day 3? I hope you get news soon. Waiting is the worst, especially when you are talking about your embryos.
