Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lucky number 12?

Two posts in one day! I just wanted to say that on a silly impulse, I asked J. to buy us 12 Powerball tickets - one for each egg retrieved. I saw on t.v. this morning that the prize is at 260 million, so I sort of joked that we should buy a ticket. Later, before retrieval, I suggested that he get one for every egg. He went out for some errands and I wasn't sure that he would do it, but sure enough, he came home with twelve numbers. I hope I'm not jinxing us, but I thought it would be fun. Of course I'd rather have our IVF be successful than win the lottery, but then again with all that money we could certainly afford to cycle again!


  1. Good luck! I always said that if I won the lotto I'd set up some kind of a fund for fellow IVFers with no insurance coverage..and then we never played :) I know you'd take a successful IVF over a lotto win any day but hey, why not both?? :)

  2. Well, we didn't win the lottery so I guess we're due to win something else, right?
