Monday, August 23, 2010

And the magic number is...

One-thousand, eight-hundred and thirty-four. Oh. My. God. That is a big ass number. Of course, we did the second beta three days after the first, but according to the HCG calculator on the new IV.FC, that is a doubling time of just over 24 hours. Is that good? What does that mean?

Ok, so just to rant a little more about my nurse. I was going crazy over here waiting for this news. Way worse than Friday because at least I had POASed that morning and knew I had a nice strong line. So then about 30 minutes ago I get an email from her saying "here's your pregnancy info", with all the orders for my ultrasound and hormone testing. I'm like, um, does this mean you have good news for me? Because I'm sitting here going crazy waiting for the phone to ring. Ten minutes later she finally calls me and gives me the good news. I wonder how long those results had been sitting there? Doesn't she know I'm dying here???

So I haven't even gotten a chance to breathe a sigh of relief and now I'm already worrying about the next step...the ultrasound. It will be sometime between the 7th and the 10th, depending on where I decide to do it. Could this really be happening?


  1. Holy crap that is a high number. I hope you are ready for twins!

  2. Whoooo-hooo! That means strong fetal development! That could also, just maybe, mean more than one in there.

    Great news, Cassie!! Enjoy it!

    And I firmly beleive that ever nurse should have to endure waiting for test results like this at least once - so they know those calls are their first priorities. Grrrrr.

  3. !!!!!! Woweewowow. Well played, madame!

  4. Wow that is a huge #!!!! I agree with might need to do some space planning for two cribs. Congrats! I am sure your head is spinning and now you have to do more waiting.

  5. Wow, that is a great number. It is not too late to switch nurses.

  6. OMG!!!!!!! I think you may have to add the "T" word to your "P" word vocabulary!!! WOW!! That's smokin'!!! Now the wait to the ultrasound...for now try and enjoy this moment as best as you can. Easier said than done I know.

  7. what does it mean? It means you are a lean, mean frikking baby machine!! That is a huge, HUGE number. You don't do pregnancy by halves do you? It also means that if you levels are rising that fast that you might get hit with morning sickness, yes, you. So take it easy sister. This is just awesome new. Twins. told ya :) if not then you are growing a whale, (go for the caesar if this is the case). Love, love, just LOVE your work. Give my regards to J.

  8. YAY what a great number!!! I'm thinking you will have double trouble :)

  9. WOW! I am speechless!
    Bravo! That is one beautiful beta.
    Guess you'll just have to utter the p word soon.

  10. that's a huge jump,! this one is ligit!!! congratulations again!

  11. More wonderful news!! I'm so happy for you.
    I'll have my first ever retrieval on Wednesday and if all goes well the transfer will happen on Saturday. I'm 41 and we've already done a few unsuccessful IUIs. Reading your blog and others makes me feel like I have a community, even though I'm just a lurker for the most part. It really makes a huge difference -- keeps the stress level under control and makes me feel less alone with all this. So congratulations again and thank you.

  12. Congrats to you an J!! WOWOOWWOOWOW!!! Twins??
    Get ready...glad you have space at the new apartment!

  13. HOLY FREAKING CRAP!!! That's a gigantic number! You are so having twins! LOL!

  14. Wow, awesome number, congrats Cassie, so happy for you!!! I thought I added your blog to my reader but when I looked, it's not there. So I tried subscribing to it several times and it just won't add it. I wonder if it's because your blog name starts with "..."?
