Sunday, August 15, 2010

The wait

It is really killing me. This has got to be the worst "two week wait" ever. I almost feel like I'm having an anxiety attack. I have been feeling some strange aches and pains for the past two days, as well as cramps, but I really refuse to believe they are anything other than side effects from the progesterone. I have been fooled before.

I still haven't purchased any HPTs and will be busy tomorrow so that is good. I'm sure I won't be able to hold out past Wednesday to test, and may even cave by Tuesday, which would be 6dp5t. Ugh.


  1. I know how agonizing this wait is. I wish it was easier. ugh.

  2. Progesterone causes gas, and that is what you may be feeling. HGTV was a good way to pass the time.


  3. I'm so sorry you're feeling so much anxiety. It seems like time moves in slow motion after transfer. You're smart to not buy the HPTs until you're ready to starting testing...I always start too early. I still have a really good feeling that this is it for you. :-)


  4. Thinking of you...

  5. Hang in there Cassie, and don't underestimate the power of distractions.

  6. Oh, hang in there! You're doing good so far, you can do it. I hate these waits, I'm nervous right along with you.
